Cultivable land in Bangladesh is decreasing day by day and population is increasing. There is no alternative to hybrid rice cultivation to meet the food needs of the growing population. Hybrid paddy cultivation increased by 3-5% compared to Ufashi varieties. Therefore, the demand for hybrid paddy cultivation period.
The hybrid paddy production system is similar to the Uffishi paddy cultivation system; However, special care must be taken for seeding in hybrid rice cultivation. One of the important aspects of hybrid rice cultivation.
For hybrid paddy only 20 kg seeds are used per hectare.
2 kg of cow dung or rotten garbage fertilizers should be applied per sqm of seedling land.
For sowing 5 sqm, 2 kg of seed or 5 gm per sq. M of seed is required.
Only one or two saplings should be planted per bunch.
New hybrid seeds are needed for each season.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS